Category: Intellectual Property

  • Digital Piracy in the Modern World

    Galuszka, Peter. “The War over Internet Piracy: Fearing Lawsuits, College Officials Crack down on Illegal Downloading of Music and Videos on Campus.” Black Issues in Higher Education, vol. 21, no. 2, 2004, p. 24. Galuszka, in this article, provides that 80% of all films and music is pirated. For artists and producers, the fear of…

  • Intellectual Property Theft and Research Preservation

    Introduction The growth in the international economy relies on technological innovations that fuel intellectual property (IP) development, innovation, research, and intellectual capital development. The reliance on IP has become the most valuable responsibility where organizations can potentially invest. In the past, the United States has been the universal leader in exploration and novelty. Nonetheless, with…

  • Intellectual Property and the Ways How to Prevent It From Stealing

    These days, more and more companies gain a competitive advantage in the market due to their innovations and implementations of them in people’s lives. When doing this, the company’s management does not forget to prevent their developments from being stolen by competitors. Consequently, there was invented a universal way of intangible assets preservation that cannot…

  • Copyright Law Regulation Debate

    Table of Contents Introduction Definition of Copyright How to get copyrights Lack of homogeneity in copyright law Effect of technological advancements on copyright law An argument against copyright law Fair use doctrine Conclusion Bibliography Footnotes Introduction Copyright is one form of intellectual property that is naturally used for making an economic analysis of law. Intellectual…

  • Copyright and Related Rights: “Moral Rights”

    Table of Contents Introduction Copyright and copyright laws Moral rights Moral Rights across Cultures Waiving Moral Rights Conclusion Works Cited Introduction An author/artist is entitled to economic and moral rights as a result of copyright, which refers to artistic repertoire including books, films, paintings, technology-based work like electronic databases, and music. Economic rights stem from…

  • Creative Commons and Open Source as Alternative Approaches to Copyright

    There are benefits of appropriate implementation of copyright strategies to protect the authored materials against the increasing breakdown of copyright laws. For instance, the creative commons license constitutes laws, human-understandable reports, and machine-comprehensible tags. The creative commons develop rules on top of the copyright laws. Additionally, the creative commons enable authors to base their work…

  • An Intellectual Property Theft in Marketing

    This situation is unfair, and in this case, the one who originally came up with the project is right. The fact is that it was a speech in front of a professor, respectively, a public performance with the initials of the author. This, in turn, means that this object is subject to copyright, hence the…

  • Copyright Infringement in the “Blurred Lines” Case

    It is required to analytically describe a court case for copyright infringement in the case of the song “Blurred Lines”. In 2015, Pharrell Williams was found guilty of stealing musical material, as the composition clearly contained elements of a Marvin Gaye song. Initially, the prosecution proved its claims, which required two aspects to substantiate: access…

  • Using Another Person’s Work Without Obtaining Their Consent

    Trademark, copyright, and patent laws do not apply to creative works in the public domain. Rather than a single author or artist, the public possesses these creations. Using a public domain work does not require consent, but nobody can claim ownership of it (Stanford Libraries, 2017). Copyright expiration, failure to obey copyright renewal laws, placement…

  • The 1974 Copyright Regulations on Internet Videos

    Table of Contents Introduction The Copyright Law ‘Use’ in Justifying the Use of the Video Options to Prevent Copyright Violations References Introduction Copyrighting videos means claiming the ownership and protection of the idea and that when one shares it, no one can claim it as their own. In technical terms, the video is protected under…