Category: Intellectual Property

  • Modern Internet and Copyright Arguments

    Firstly, Google’s idea of digitizing print media is understandable in motivation and laudable in its intentions. Google will take a massive step towards the victory over information discrimination, allowing people to know their rights. It will bring a lot of individuals with their unique store of knowledge to society. Secondly, free access to literature of…

  • Protecting a Company’s Intellectual Property Rights

    One role of a manager is to protect a company’s intellectual property rights. In the automobile industry, a manager should protect the following intellectual property rights: patent rights, trademarks, designs, and website addresses. To identify and protect intellectual property rights, managers should take the following actions: The first stage in the protection of the intellectual…

  • Intellectual Property Rights Locally and Globally

    Introduction Intellectual Property rights are a critical aspect of the modern socio-economic world, considering the vast product creation occurring in various regions. The term Intellectual Property refers to the inventions, literary and artistic works, as well as any symbols, designs, or innovative information used in commerce (International Business Law, n.d.). To protect the Intellectual Property…

  • Intellectual Property Law – The Case of “High-Friend!”

    Table of Contents Introduction Theoretical Concepts Implications regarding the Lipstick Case Implications in Regard to the Brand Name Conclusion Reference List Introduction Technological and social progress would not have been possible without adequate protection of intellectual property. Various intellectual property rights provide means for creators and inventors from the misuse of their products and illegal…

  • Doctrine of Confidential Information: Professor Peres’ Case

    Table of Contents Background Argument Obligations under the Doctrine of Confidential Information Advice to the Professor Pros and Cons of the Doctrine of Confidential Information How to Break Up a Company to Maximize Value to Shareholders Works Cited Background Professor Peres is an employee of a university. He gives a one-hour guest lecture to a…

  • Intellectual Property and Issues Related to It

    Introduction Intellectual property refers to new products which are a result of one’s creativity. These products are capable of generating income for the person who has invented them. There are many types of intellectual property in existence for example original compositions such as plays, songs, poems, and other literary and artistic works. Other works that…

  • Business Torts, Real and Intellectual Property

    Table of Contents Introduction Law in Business Tort Law and Business Benefits of learning Tort Law Conclusion Axia College Material References Introduction The day-to-day transactions that take place in business involve people. Additionally, the business has come out as a dominant social institution in society and as a result, it has evolved as an institution…

  • Abolition of Intellectual Property

    Table of Contents Introduction Quality Improvement Releasing Authorship Tension Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The concept of intellectual property has existed for several centuries. In essence, it protects the right of a creator to label their effort in the creation of content. However, it also raises numerous issues, including the source of ideas, plagiarism, and conflicts…

  • Analysis of Litigation Between Dan Black and Columbia Pictures

    The case under analysis is a complex one as far as the causes for action, the parties, and the jurisdictions of the litigation might be different depending on the laws and their interpretation by court in a certain way. On the one hand, the parties involved in the litigation are the file sharing platform and…

  • Intellectual Property Law and Piracy on the Internet

    Intellectual property law is a legitimate concept that deals with legal property rights such as copyrights, industrial design rights, patents, trade secrets, trademarks and any other creations of the mind whether artistic or commercial and their related rights. Under this law, anybody who holds either of these rights is entitled to ownership of certain exclusive…